To Paint
I can say to paint is to give birth for me. As soon as I become pregnant, my internal condition is automatically changed to set the perfect stage for childbirth with all spiritual and bodily wisdom I have potentially. And the time comes when I am delivered of babies.Then I have to push in my atelier with all my might. The delivery is sometimes easy and sometimes hard. Repeating the experiences, I have realized that I receive the paintings from Heaven like a baby beyond my will. So I believe 90 percent of my job is to devote myself to daily learning so that the new lives can come to me. And my duty is to send my paintings off to appropriate persons or places for their perfect vision.

True art has both of the heaven and the hell. Of course, which aspect is dominant on the surface depends on its role. I feel that every work of true art, weaving light and dark, has a DNA of magnificent life coming from the only one origin of the universe. And I also feel it is beyond the artist’s ability and talent. This feeling always tells me which one true art is, which one Art of God is.

Role of Art
‘Art’ has a definite role besides being appreciated and creating artistic circumstances. From ancient times, the places concerning religious or spiritual matters have been really artistic, such as temples, churches, the assembly halls and the Imperial Courts etc. Furthermore in ethic cultures around the world, we often see true art in the daily household utensils, costumes, furniture and the style of ceremonies. And the quality in ‘Art’ seems to be in proportion to the depth of faith and the height of spirituality of the people in the area and the period. I believe that true art is Art of Divinity, Art by Divinity and Art for Divinity. On the journey of each soul of us, which comes from God and goes back to God, making its own memory of divinity awaken is the very role of ‘Art’. I have never been taught it by anyone and I have never read it in any book. But I have been certain it is the truth.

私は、有り難いことに、本当に自由に生かさせて頂いています。しかし、現象の自由ではなく、心理的、精神的な自由を通り越して、霊的なまでに自由に生き始めるには、厳しく自己に対峙することを余儀なくされた長い長い時間がありました。 我の強かった私は、自分が上質だと思う自己真実で凝り固まっており、その結果、妙に決断力はあったように思いますが、自己の慣れ親しんでいる世界や価値観から抜け出すことが真の自由だと気付いたのは、人生の概ね半分を過ぎた頃でしたので、それからの自己の在り様の路線修正は困難を極めました。ですから、それ以降は、なるべく自己の真実を語るのをやめて、大いなる真理を語ろうと努力して来ました。その時に、生まれて始めて本気で自分自身を相手にして、「人は本当に手強い」、ということを知ったのです。それまでの人生は、今にして思えば、本人にとっては必死な局面もあったように思うのですが、余りにも無知で、本質なるものからほど遠い、社会の有象無象チャンネルの迷い子であったように思います。
Thanks to God, I live free. But to reach the real freedom beyond simply mental freedom, I had had a long struggle to face myself.
I had lived in my self-truth that I had thought excellent, which made me decisive. However one day I realized to get true freedom was to get out of my own world and of the sense of values that I thought right. It was really difficult for me. Then I tried to talk about ‘Cosmic Truth’ not to talk about the truth invented by me. And by confronting myself strictly for the first time in my life, I recognized that a man was really difficult. Till then, I had been so ignorant and abided in the world far from the fountain of the cosmos, though I had tried hard to live better for myself. That is to say, I had been totally lost in various channels of the society without knowing what to know as a man. At long last I got interested only in reaching true reality in the cosmos.

Then keeping neutral became my daily training. I know that it sounds characterless for an artist. But now I am certain the first thing to do is to attain the highest neutrality and after that the true identity automatically gives off its brightness as an individual. That is, identity is not to be established but just to be found out because it resides in each of us by nature with its holy vibration, and we can be aware of that by eradicating our own image and the others’ image on us as well. Actually this is a hard training. So I have made every effort not to give it up. I am just writing the essence of my thoughts, so I suppose some of you readers might feel it a little incomprehensible. I would appreciate if you read this by your heart and soul.

There is nothing that I particularly wish to do as an artist, because art is not individual work I can do for myself, and also because ambitious attempts to demonstrate my own talent or to establish reputation is far from the nature of ‘Art’.
In June in 2008, I made an 800 km of pilgrimage all alone in Europe. Then I couldn’t see anything to think of in my mind in such long and quiet time of loneliness. I felt that a little unusual. Remembering my younger days, I used to get tired from my endless thinking and wondering in my meditation. When was it gone?
All the way on the journey, I was only feeling the wind blowing over the terra going through my emptiness.

I seriously think the first thing we have to learn in our life is ‘Cosmic Truth’. I seriously think the first thing we have to train in our life is ‘Love’. I seriously think the first thing we have to master in our life is ‘Spiritual Awakening’. It is because without my ignorance about them I had been worn out in my life though I had appeared to be going well.
If we didn’t read the tide of space-time at solemn scale; where every life comes from and go to and what kind of role human beings should play here on the earth, we, including all of other species, could not survive any more. I don’t mean that I am afraid of it and that I judge it is bad. I am saying we, human beings have an assignment for the best choice for all species. And ‘Cosmic Truth’ is the abundant wisdom which encourages us to confront the given assignment, ‘Love’ is the pure motivation which leads us to the completion of the assignment,

and ‘Spiritual Awakening’ is the perfect oneness which makes us remember the true goal of each life in the universe. And it is not accomplished by ascetic practices, but accomplished by our dedication to what we should actually do in everyday life with full of gratitude and love seeing through the illusions that we think real.
To share this process with people and to let them learn the method, I have already received some messages about the concept and the system from the cosmic source. If it is my vocation, I would like to found so-called “School for True Education” some day and to give every chance for people to learn what to learn for their awakening. However it is not my dream and my goal neither, because I know it should be done by some great will beyond mine. If it is realized, it will be really wonderful.

To be an Artist
I have neither particular attachment nor obsession to being an artist. But the only motivation for me to be an artist is to receive the miracle that God creates paintings through me, which always brings me deeper gratitude and modesty. And I have to be an artist for this grace.

Reflection and Rebirth
Synchronizing my vibration to that of flower, I feel it comes out by some mysterious system more than biological one of its cell division. I feel a bud throws its life into the cosmic energy that is the origin of creation, and it is reborn in a new form. I mean the change is not continuous transformation but momentary rebirth by taking off past energy and old form. I really feel a great artist in any field creates his art diving into the energy of universal source renouncing even his own creative world, and the dynamic energy pushes his life out to a new life. It is the very “Rebirth” of his life, not “Reflection” of his inner artistic world. And I am struck by this breaking-out energy of rebirth and overwhelmed by the coming-out energy with strong dynamism beyond his creativity.

Subtle Field
This kind of energy is solid and physical. On the other side, I have been inspired by the energy like air subtler than liquid or solid. The sort of energy is often found in some antiques by unknown artists or artisans, martial art played by Mr. Morihei Ueshiba who is the founder of AIKI-DO, chanting by Saints and their devotees in Indian Ashram and so on. They don’t appeal themselves strongly to us, and they are humble and simple. But once we open our heart to them, they embrace us with great energy and bring us to higher perception like whisper of angels. The more deeply I come in touch with the beauty without ego, the more closely my divinity comes back to me. It is as if my inner holiness began to work, and it reminds me of how much love I have in me. In this way, true art is the art that could activates the sensitivity in subtle field in spirit. This kind of art does not give us strong physical impression or

stimulation in many cases. So if we were insensitive to the subtle frequency of such art, we would feel something missing in it. But in fact, it works positively, spiritually and universally.
When I see plants or wild animals, I am strongly moved by their grace so spiritual, beautiful, and full of cosmic wisdom. However the most spiritual being on the earth must be a human being because “Man is the lord of all creation.” So I wish to return to the genuine human being who has true beauty as a creature.
I believe that the dedication by ‘Art’ is to make every being enlightened about its true nature by awakening its subtle field of spirit and soul and to make people remember that ‘Art’ belongs to the original creator God.

The times
Every generation has its particular role in every period. Nowadays we are not in the time of self-discovery but in the time of realization of ‘Cosmic Truth’ skipping over various steps to reach there. About 30 years ago, self-discovery used to be a main theme for people. “Who am I?” “What is my role in this world?” “Why am I like this?” “What is the meaning and value of my own existence?” Every spiritual pursuit was based on ‘Me’. And it was valuable to clean up the river contaminated by egos caused by the high economic growth at that time so that people could experience their own pure consciousness. In those days they tried to find the answer of the real me by meditation, self-enlightenment seminars or various spiritual writings. And the process from ‘Me’ to ‘the Cosmos’ for spiritual awakening, that is, spiritual ‘Micro-Macro’ process was natural and perfect then.

But I think, at the present time with a mountain of global problems we face every day, the Micro-Macro process should be changed to the ‘Macro-Micro’ process with super power and super speed of rocket launching. As soon as I recognized this, I got out of the world of self-discovery without any doubt. After I abandoned my self- discovery, I became a painting artist, which would sound a little strange some times. But I have a perfect backbone and reason for that, though it is difficult to explain here completely. Anyhow I just accepted the flowing of energy beyond my will. As a result of that, I have got the answers on ‘Me’ much more clearly and deeply than when I used to be in my self-discovery. And now I can feel that the universal flow coming to me at that time was undoubtedly a true way. And I also thank deeply some great existence for guiding me so that I could listen to the message then

I think it is important for me to write the essence of my philosophy to show my politeness to people who appreciate my paintings. I am an ordinary person and actually live a simple life without so many things belonging to me. And I try hard every day, as I have to grow my gratitude and love as much as possible so that I can be useful for the divine plan that the universe is creating moment by moment. Every time I feel the energy flow that intends to lead us to some other dimension, I believe what to do my best in my vocation is to purify myself.